Discover your unique path to overcoming autoimmune fatigue and brain fog
Learn how functional medicine addresses the root causes of your symptoms
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Gain exclusive access to a transformative 16-week autoimmune recovery process
An in-depth 20-minute consultation to discuss your health goals and challenges.
Expert guidance on whether the autoimmune recovery process is right for you.
Opportunity to ask questions and learn more about our holistic, personalized approach.
Discover the next steps to start your transformative healing journey.
My digestive system was sluggish, having maybe 4 bowel movements per week. I was experiencing hot flashes, sinusitis, and mild depression. Melissa Rose was knowledgeable, professional and friendly and our zoom call visits were very informative and helpful. I now have daily bowel movements, my hot flashes are almost non-existent, my mood/depression is much better, and my sinusitis is no longer an issue. I have learned a lot of information, especially about how gut health contributes directly to negative health issues. Sagebrush Wellness has definitely changed my life for the better.
P. Neville
I was experiencing excessive/non-stop bleeding with my cycle (menorrhagia). That was a new situation for me as I'd been fairly predictable up until 2 years ago. Melissa is great about asking a lot of questions and helping you think through your situation. She came at my symptoms from many angles knowing that health issues typically are multi-faceted. Melissa is a wealth of information when it comes to helpful tests, diet and supplements. This is not a "band-aid" approach that just deals with symptoms, but she gets at the "why" beneath the symptoms. As a result, my cycle seems to be getting back to "normal". Summers are typically busy and stressful times with our family business. I had experienced menorrhagia two summers in a row, but not this summer! I have new tools to support my body. I truly think I've avoided developing cancer with Melissa's help.
A. Bos
I was bloated constantly and struggling to figure out why I felt lousy all the time. I had worked with other practitioners but really hadnt figured out the solution. We identified my SIBO and worked on healing that as well as getting rid of parasites. I am experiencing much less bloating and marked stress reduction. I was surprised by mow much it impacted my emotional mindset. Melissa is the absolute best. We met during a difficult time for me and she has been so supportive.
M. Medeiros
I decided to come to Melissa because I knew she would be a trusted health provider to help me with some seemingly simple issues I was having. I was extremely tired more days than not no matter how much sleep I had the night before. I would fight unexplained sadness, where i just wanted to cry & tears would sneak out a lot. I was experiencing a lot of anxiety & the best way to explain that is like this: I felt like my insides had irritated a bees hive & they were buzzing around inside of me. I had off & on PMS symptoms of very tender breasts, bad " fold me over" cramps during my period & always getting sick b4 my period started. Last but not least, over the years I kept gaining weight no matter how I ate & anytime I tried exercising It would take a lot of mental power to fight how much I hurt afterwards. A doctor tells you whats wrong, Melissa tells you what your body is telling you is wrong & why. Learning the root causes of illness instead of just getting medicine pressured onto me has been a life changer. I have lost weight that I couldn't lose & have kept it off. My anxiety & emotions are more manageable. My monthly cycle is amazingly different. No one listens or believes me. Right now with conquering thyroid cancer, I know if I hadn't been working with Melissa, I wouldn't have had any options given to me of alternative ways to handle the issue. I would have had my thyroid removed due to endocrinologist recommendations & I would be on pharmaceuticals for the rest of my life. Having Melissa teaching me & guiding me has given me hope in taking back my health & being able to share with others that there are more options out there other than pharmaceuticals.
D. Umfleet
We specialize in helping individuals like you overcome the debilitating symptoms of autoimmune disorders using a functional medicine approach. Our team of experienced practitioners is dedicated to identifying the root causes of your health challenges and creating personalized recovery plans to help you reclaim your energy, clarity, and zest for life.
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